Sunday, October 18, 2009

Register Akaun PAYPAL Anda Di sini

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The gates are closing on April 9th, 2012 (midnight Eastern Time)
So what should you do?
TAKE ACTION...Seize your future…Start promoting WAZZUB NOW
Here is what you need to share about WAZZUB :
As a free member, your goal is to spread the word far and wide as fast as you can. The more people you have signed up (for free) in your "Uni-level x 5" WAZZUB community by April 9, 2012, the more money you will make (every month with no more work to do)
Example: If you invite just 5 people to join for free and they do the same 5 generations deep, you could earn about $4,000 every month PASSIVELY for life, doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.  What if everyone invited just 10 people? That amount would EXPLODE to:$111,110.00 every month. There is NO limit!  The more people you invite the more money you'll earn. Period!
Now is the time to create: massive, PASSIVE, residual monthly income for life.
The time-line is very important for you to remember:
You have only until April 9, 2012 to build your EMPIRE.
We are not MLM; we are in a class by itself.
How are we different?
Read this: Only those people who register before April 10 can qualify for this passive, residual income.
Read all the important facts at:
Read How WAZZUB is different:
Can't log in/Recover Password or need help?: ContactSupportNow  How do I verify my membership/email?: VerifyHere
Follow us on facebook: Click_Here->WAZZUB_Intl_facebook
Follow us on Twitter: ClickHereTwitter  
Start NOW and set yourself up for LIFE. Totally FREE.
Start building your WAZZUB family NOW by following the simple instructions below – this involves no “real” work for you because we have included 3 very effective promo/invitation letters*. All you have to do is enter your personal link and your signature and copy/paste the letter and send it to all your contacts, family, friends etc.
Then sit back and watch your total number of FREE WAZZUB  Family members (Times "x" $1.00) grow each day by going to the link below and entering your email address.
By going to the link below, you can log in the member's area where you can see 
you WAZZUB  Family growing and your $Factor.
Have you heard of  WAZZUB?
~  WAZZUB, is a Brilliant Concept; It has NEVER Been Done Before ~
Make no mistake. WAZZUB is a multi-billion dollar project.
It has been in the making since 2007 with over $2,000,000 already invested.
It’s the new Internet Phenomenon; it's here to stay and you are one of the first in the world to know about it. So, it's very important to understand what you have in your hands. This Baby WILL go VIRAL.
~ Timing is Everything ~
You can set yourself up for life financially - for F*R*E*E -
and earn Massive Passive Residual Income every month like nothing else out there.  ~ This can happen at LIGHTNING SPEED because it's always FR*E*E for all ~
The more F*R*E*E members you invite, the more money you will make.
You could earn about $1.00 per person in your "UNLIMITED" width x 5 generations-deep WAZZUB family. (depending on the company growth)
If that doesn't seem like much, watch what happens...
You simply invite 5 friends to join for f*r*e*e-forever and they do the same 5 generations:
1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
2nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.00
3rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
4th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
5th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 every month for doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.
Most people will invite more than 5 f*r*e*e members.
What if everyone invited just 10 people? 
That amount would EXPLODE to: $111,110.00 per month in passive residual income for LIFE!
Here's the KICKERIt doesn't stop there. The more people you invite the more money you'll make. The number of people you can invite is UNLIMITED.
Try 20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!
It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,
it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves  F*R*E*E.
~The sky truly is the limit here at WAZZUB ~
My recommendation:
Step 1 – go here and sign up
Step 2 – read all the important facts at:
Step 3 – read “How Is WAZZUB Different?
Step 4 – invite your friends and partners to become a part in this success story
Hurry up, act now! 
99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.
Accept my positive vibrations of Succe$$ and Happiness :-)
Together we activate the power of "We"!
Thank you,
The WAZZUB Family


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It’s a fact: companies like Google or Facebook earn billions of $$$ every quarter just because we, the Internet users use their services.
It is time to understand, that we “the users” decide who is earning the big money.

is the first truly global community that pays us “the users”, just for choosing WAZZUB as our homepage.
The more free members we attract, the more money each member will earn.
It is as simple as that; let's discover The Power of "We"!

Pre-Launch and main project will be multilingual and global. Just the pre-registration is English only.
Everybody, even without any English skills, should register as early as possible and invite others to join WAZZ

It is FREE to join WAZZUB and WAZZUB stays free forever. No hidden fees, no admin fees, nothing to sell or to buy.

Nov 11 – Dec 31  
Secret Backdoor
(Pre-Registration) by invitation only

Register for free and receive your personal reflink. Invite your family, friends and partners to join WAZZUB and start building your downline.

Jan 1 – April 8  


Check the brand new members’ area to watch your downline growing. At WAZZUB, we call it the $FACTOR (Dollar Factor).
The more members that signed up under you (5 levels deep) the more your
$FACTOR will grow.
And, guess what… The higher your
$FACTOR grows, the higher your profit share will be after launch.

Apr 9 – Jun 30  

Beta Launch
April 9, 2012 is WAZZUB DAY. Our website will go live and our members start to earn money.
Step by step we will add more and more functions that make WAZZ
UB the perfect home page:
a powerful search engine, a personalized news section, the best deals on the Internet and amazing entertainment features
like videos and skill games, just to name a few.

Based on the feedback and comments of the users we will create what we call the “Perfect Internet”.

Jul 1  
Final Version

When all features are up and running and all glitches are solved we can concentrate on monetizing our project.
It is our goal to serve millions of users. Together we can reach this goal. Let’s activate the Power of “We”!
50% off all profits will be paid to the members. The other 50% go to the shareholders who are investing a lot of money to make WAZZUB happen.
The more users we serve, the more money will be paid out to the members according to their

WAZZUB is free forever, nobody has to pay, buy or sell anything, so where is the money coming from?
Let’s take Google as an example: Google has more than 1 billion unique users per month who use their services without paying for it.
Last Quarter Google made $3 billion in profits just by displaying ads. That means Google earns on average $1 per month per unique user.
UB uses exactly the same technology as Google PLUS some additional streams of income.

It is our goal to attract at least 10 million users per month after June 2012,
but we will share the profits only with those members who registered before April 9.

WAZZUB will never share your private data with any third party.

Free forever
No hidden fees
Nothing to sell
Nothing to buy
Just sign up, invite and profit

Salam Sejahtera!
Dunia internet sekali lagi digegarkan dengan teknik terkini
untuk menambah pendapatan. Namun kali ini ianya tampil dengan
aura yang lebih hebat.

Tanpa modal awal + tanpa yuran bulanan + tanpa buat apa apa

+ tanpa menjual + tanpa membeli + bukan MLM + tanpa muat turun

= Peluang Yang Paling Hebat Di Internet

Bagaimana?. Sebelum itu mari kita kupas dulu tentang logiknya.
Dua syarikat gergasi di Internet iaitu Google dan Facebook telah
mencatat keuntungan berbillion setiap tahun. Bagaimanakah mereka
menjana keuntungan tersebut?.

Rahsia yang paling utama adalah penjanaan melalui penjualan iklan.
Siapakah yang menggunakan perkhidmatan pengiklanan mereka?.Mudah,
jawapannya adalah ahli atau jaringan yang telah mendaftar sebagai
pengguna perkhidmatan mereka juga.

Kini satu lagi gergasi akan muncul yang akan beroperasi seperti
Facebook, bergelar WAZZUB. Bagi menyaingi populariti dua gergasi
yang disebutkan tadi, WAZZUB telah membuat pendekatan yang bakal
memberi keuntungan juga kepada kita sebagai pengguna perkhidmatannya.

WAZZUB telah menggunakan kaedah bijak dengan mengupah setiap ahli
yang mendaftar sekarang supaya melakukan dengan apa sahaja cara pun
untuk meramaikan ahli WAZZUB. Sebagai upahnya, ada dua pendapatan yang
akan diberi kepada kita:

1. Pendapatan Residual.

Yang mana dengan hanya melakukan kerja sekali sahaja, kita akan
menerima pendapatan setiap bulan. 

(50% keuntungan WAZZUB setiap bulan akan diagih mengikut kelayakkan

2. Pendapatan Leveraj

Iaitu pendapatan yang kita terima setiap bulan dari hasil kerja
orang lain.

(Maksudnya, jika kawan kita yang memperkenalkan ahli pun kita
tetap di bayar)

WAZZUB menggunakan sistem matrix atau unilevel hingga 5 level.

Contohnya: (Jika ada memperkenalkan 10 ahli dan semua dalam kumpulan
anda memperkenalkan 10 ahli)

Level 1: 10
Level 2: 100
Level 3: 1000
Level 4: 10,000
Level 5: 100,000

Jumlah : 111,110 ahli dalam kumpulan anda.

Hanya ahli yang mendaftar sehingga 9 April 2012 yang layak mendapat
profit sharing ini. Bagi mengira profit sharing, WAZZUB menggunakan
satu formula yang dipanggil $Factor.

$Factor= 50% Keuntungan Bersih/Ahli Yang Layak Dapat Profit Sharing
(Ia akan berubah ubah mengikut keuntungan bulanan)

Sebagai contoh ambillah $Factor = $1.00

Jumlah ahli dalam kumpulan X $Factor = Pendapatan Bulanan infobizz2u .

111,110 X $1.00 = $111,110.00

Bagaimana sudah jelas?. Jika tidak jelas pun tidak mengapa, daftar
sahaja dahulu kerana ianya PERCUMA.

Kemudian salin semula email ini dan hantar kepada kawan kawan. Cuma
jangan lupa untuk tukar link pendaftaran di bawah kepada link infobizz2u 
juga nama infobizz2u  sebagai penghantar email

Sekian buat kali ini.
